Hi again! Just a quick update: I’ve been crazy busy. My former hosting company killed my website due to an inexplicable mistake, and it was down an entire day. Not good for a historical fiction author with a new book coming out. I’ve since moved to a new hosting company and hope that such things won’t happen again. But it’s been a lot of work. I’ve also become the unofficial webmaster for Perseid Press, which has mostly involved a complete redo of their website. That will debut soon. Fun stuff!
Alongside this, we have republished my first book, The Retreat to Avalon in Kindle and trade paperback versions. (You can find them on Amazon by clicking the links.) There’s a little bit of a wrinkle, though. There is only one option for Kindle, but there are two options for the paperback. One is the new version through Perseid Press (linked above), and another version from the original publisher which may show up as the paperback option, depending how you click.

The reason is that this is the only way to keep the reviews I received for the original publication tied to the new publication. I really love my reviews, and I’m so grateful for those who have taken the time, and I don’t want to lose them just because I have a new publisher.
Now, the older version is listed as out of stock. The new version is available, though, and to get back to it, you can click the “See all formats and editions” drop down, then use the drop-arrow next to “Paperback” and the option for “Paperback, June 8, 2018” will be there. That’s the correct one (though I need to have that changed to March, 2021). Yeah, publishing can be complicated. Supposedly, as the new version of the paperback sells more, it will supersede the old one.

In any event, the easiest way to know you’ve got the right version is when it has the newer cover design.

The new book is larger, with bigger, wider spaced printing that makes it easier to read. There were a few other minor changes, like reformatting the appendices to be easier to read. The new trade paperback version of the cover is also matte now, instead of glossy, which gives it a nice feel in the hand. Please let me know what you think of the changes!
And, finally, I’m also working on editing book 2, The Strife of Camlann, the next book in the historical fiction series about King Arthur and the real world he lived and fought for. Dmitry is working on that cover. We should be able to reveal it soon. He does some pretty great work. I’ve also got Maria working on the maps, and Luka working on the interior chapter art, which is always exciting to see.
Hope you are all doing well and would love to hear from you. Cheers!
wow nice!