Once again I must apologize for a tardy blog submission, but in my defense, there’s been a lot going on here. For a start, you might have noticed that the image that I often post from the cover of The Retreat to Avalon is somewhat different. Here’s a quick comparison:

And here is why: The Retreat to Avalon and it’s series, The Arthurian Age, have a new home!

The Perseid Press is owned by Chris and Janet Morris. You might recognize their names from some of my earlier posts, or from their own books. Those books are how I became acquainted with Perseid. The Sacred Band series grew from an anthology I read as a teenager called Thieves World. My favorite author in that series was Janet Morris and her characters and stories were, I think, the cornerstone that made Thieves World the series it was.

Prior to moving The Arthurian Age to Perseid Press, I had the pleasure of contributing a short story to their anthology, Heroika: Skirmishers. I talked a bit about that in this past article.

It is such an honor to be on the Perseid Press team. They’re well known for the quality of their work, especially in fantasy, sci-fi and historical fiction- exactly the genres I love. I, the Sun is one of the best historical fiction novels I’ve ever read. Besides Janet & Chris, I’ve joined thirty-five other talented, gracious and helpful writers. It will be an exciting adventure.
I’m forever grateful to Tim and his team at MadeGlobal for giving me a start in the publishing world. I learned a lot that’s prepared me for this next phase in my writing career. It was especially kind of Tim to let me use the elements of my first book’s cover that have remained the same. I love Dmitry’s work, and Tim was right that the books should have a different look for the future.
So that is part of the reason I’ve been offline for so long. I’ve been learning much more about the publishing process, including how to prepare a manuscript for ebooks and for print. I also worked with Dmitry to update the cover for The Retreat to Avalon, which you see above.
In addition to updating the first cover, Dmitry is working on the cover for book 2, The Strife of Camlann, which will be out later this year. I can’t wait to see his next masterpiece. I’m in the process of editing that book now. Publishing is quite a process, I’m discovering!
So thanks for coming by, and for your patience. I will get back to blog posts about Dark Ages Britain, King Arthur, and the rest very soon. As always, I’d love to hear from you.
Well done, Sean! Can hardly wait for # 2!
Thanks, I can’t wait to hear what you think!