Caw – A Pict in King Arthur’s Court
Caw and his children play major roles in the story of King Arthur. Their place in legend and history is both surprising and fascinating.
Caw and his children play major roles in the story of King Arthur. Their place in legend and history is both surprising and fascinating.
Who is your favorite character from the stories of King Arthur?
The characters of The Retreat to Avalon are based on historical figures and people from the oldest Welsh legends about King Arthur. Here is the list and notes for each one.
The dark age kingdom of the Gododdin, in modern day Scotland, has some very strong ties to the legends and history of King Arthur.
Now that I have your attention with such a blasphemous title, let me clarify. Saint Patrick was not Irish, nor Welsh. Not exactly. We have very little documentation from the time of St. Patrick, who is believed to have been born at the end of the fourth century. What we have are two documents written … Read more
I hope everyone is enjoying the holiday season. I’m tardy, as usual with getting out a new post, so let’s get to it. Today we’re continuing with the characters introduced in Chapter 1 of The Retreat to Avalon. Last time we talked about Gawain, so this time we’re going to talk about his family and … Read more