My last two weekends were very interesting, very fun, and a bit exhausting. My lovely bride and I did a book signing event at King Richard’s Faire in Carver, Massachusetts, New England’s largest and oldest Renaissance Fair. We stood out, because in a village of Elizabethan pirates, Scottish Highlanders, Tudor lords and ladies, Elves, Viking barbarians, Templar knights, Hogwarts alumni, and genres I couldn’t begin to describe, we were the only representative of the glorious Dark Ages. ‘Twas a shame and a blessing.
I haven’t been to a Renaissance Fair since I was teenager. I remember it being fun, but then life got in the way of a lot of fun stuff. When Jenn and I talked about ideas to get more people to know about The Arthurian Age, the idea of going where people like medieval stuff led us to setting up a booth at the #KRFaire. We had a great time, met lots of very nice, interesting people, and had fun signing books and talking about King Arthur. The only hitch was the first day, when a monsoon struck and swamped the place. I stood with my arms up for an hour and a half, making sure the water didn’t collapse the awning on our tent, but we managed to avoid any permanent damage. Here are some fun pictures from the fair:

We got a lot of admiration for our tent and display.

Thanks for coming by!
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