Hi folks! As usual, I’m late in getting out another article, but as an excuse and an update, I’m working very hard on the finale of book 2, The Strife of Camlann. My goal is to be done within the next couple of weeks and start on the editing in January.
In the meantime, in lieu of a regular article, here is a fun interview I did with the Historical Fiction Reader. For one part, she asked about actors I would like to portray the characters in a movie or series. Later, of course, others come to mind. I’d love for Gary Oldman and Kristofer Hivju in it, but let me know what you think of my choices. Here’s the link to the interview:
Historical Fiction Interview with Sean Poage, author of The Retreat to Avalon
Thanks to the Historical Fiction Reader for the spotlight! I hope your holiday season is wonderful and I’ll be back soon. Thanks for coming by and, as always, I’d love to hear any comments.